MN Medical Cannabis Updates 2023
MN Medical Cannabis Updates 2023


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Minnesota medical cannabis updates 

You must have heard about the signing into law the legalization of marijuana in Minnesota, we help to bring some updates to Minnesota's Medicine Medical Cannabis Program 2023. This new law in Minnesota allows adults who are 21 years old or older to use a medical cannabis. This law also made some changes to the Medical Program marijuana program that helps people who need this medicine. Here are some of the changes: People in the Medical Cannabis Program can now buy their medicine from special stores run by Native American tribes in Minnesota. Starting from July 1, 2023, people in the MN medical cannabis program will no longer pay an annual registration fee. But if they already paid the fee before that date, they won't get their money back. Starting from August 1, 2023, people can have their first visit with a doctor through a video call on the computer or phone. Starting from March 1, 2025, people will only have to see the doctor every three years to make sure they still need the medicine, instead of every year. Starting from March 1, 2025, people who help take care of others can buy medical cannabis when they are 18 years old instead of waiting until they are 21. The Medical Cannabis Program will move to a new office called the Office of Cannabis Management on March 1, 2025.
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